NGO Registry in Baksa, Assam

  The Global NGO Registry

The Global NGO Registry was started by Sudesh Kumar Foundation (SKF), London in 2009. It has been maintained by Ozg with the support from SKF. The Global NGO Registry maintains an extensive database of NGO / Nonprofits and Social Businesses for the interest of funding agencies / corporate donors / grant making organizations / consultants / investors / researchers / international development research centre and government's planning department.


Can all NGO apply for Registration into The Global NGO registry?
No, only established* NGOs (Trust, Society, Charity, Nonprofits and Social-Business Companies / Institutions) are eligible to apply for registration into The Global NGO Registry.

*Established NGO - who have completed at least three financial years with good functional record since, the date of registration into local government's NGO registry.

Why to apply for Registration into The Global NGO registry?
=> By getting registered into The Global NGO Registry an NGO increase the chances of being funded or supported by funding agencies / grant making organizations / CSR / corporate donors for its projects / program.

=> By completing registration at The Global NGO Registry, your NGO supports to the entire grant making process to be easy. It does save the time and money invested by funding organization into pre-funding process.

=> Also, registration into The Global NGO Registry makes every NGO entitled for any FREE services or subscriptions provided by SKF and value added services by its partner organizations or companies.

Fees and charges for Registration -
There are no fees or charges for registration into The Global NGO Registry. Registration and updating data cost has been covered by Sudesh Kumar Foundation, London.

How long does it take to register into The Global NGO Registry?
80 percent of registration has been completed between one to two weeks.

Who can access the complete details of Registered NGOs?
International or National Funding agencies / corporate donors / grant making organizations / funding consultants / social-investors / researchers / international development research centre and government's planning department.

Application for Registration –
There are two steps in order to complete the registration into The Global NGO Registry.

Add (+) 1 > Gmail / Gtalk:

Please, email the following documents (Total 7 Files in ATTACHMENTS) only to:

(1) Word file of the complete profile of NGO including details of all kinds of registrations / licenses / approvals.

(2) Word file of brief details (Full Name + Date of Birth as DD/MM/YYYY + education + work experiences) of all paid staffs whether full-time or part-time (Provided details should be checkable whenever needed).

(3) PDF copy of Auditing reports of last two financial years. (Note: scanned copy of Auditing reports from paper copy can only be acceptable if it is clearly readable).

(4) PDF or Word file of Annual reports of last two financial years (Provided contents should be checkable whenever needed).

(5) Please, copy & paste following form in WORD file, complete it then send it with above documents.

==> Name & Brief Details of Board / NGO Management Members. 

==> NGO - Full Name and Postal Address including post code.

==> 4-Names in Management team - designation & contact details.

==> NGO's Official Email Address (s) & Website.

==> NGO's Official Mobile Number (s) and main landline no.

==> Total foreign funds RECEIVED in last 3 years.

==> Balance Sheet Figures (in local currency) for last 3 years.

==> Income Tax Registration (PAN) # and Year of Registration.

==> Foreign Contribution Registration (FCRA) # and Year of Registration.

==> No. of full-time paid Staffs / locations.

==> Local Bank A/c No., Signatory and Bank Address & Phone no. 

The Global NGO Registry